Each resident/homeowner is responsible for ensuring that his or her family, visitors, and guests comply with all regulations. Residents shall be liable for any damage caused to common areas by themselves or their family, visitors and guests. Charges will be paid within 10 days of account being submitted.
Following are the rules for pool use:
There must be at least 1 responsible, supervising adult for each 4 or fewer children at the pool.
The adults are responsible for reading and ensuring compliance with the rules that are posted at poolside;
No inline skates, balls or other sports equipment are allowed inside the clubhouse;
No person shall sit in the clubhouse area in wet bathing attire;
Chairs and umbrellas are to be returned to their original position.
Thank you for complying with these rules which are being enacted to ensure an enjoyable pool experience for all of our residents and their guests.
Guard House: 766-3354 / 766-4515 (Note: use second number if there is a power outage)